What is Data Virtualization?

Data Virtualization allows applications to use data from multiple, heterogeneous data sources.

Data is accessed and integrated in real-time across distributed data sources without copying or moving data from its source.

Combining this platform with semantic layer for business and technical metadata increases business value potential of such solution. Traditional data integration consumes a lot of time and effort while data virtualization can achieve high agility for developing data integration services and fulfills several use cases.

The Challenge

Enterprises normally have many systems where data is siloed across heterogeneous platforms with different technologies.

Carrying out data management activities means long months and multiple years of deep technical analysis of each source. In addition, this requires huge effort of developing many batch data integration jobs from data sources to consolidated data mart or a data warehouse for having aggregated and analytical reporting.

From IT perspective, employing various technical skill sets in a short time to achieve all data integration requirements is not always available.

On the other hand, business users rely heavily on having integrated data available on-demand with high level of speed. Delay of data preparation implies delays at decision making and missing potential market opportunity or being noncompliance to regulations.


Smartera 3S and Denodo

Denodo is the leader in data virtualization providing data access, data governance and data delivery capabilities across the broadest range of enterprise, cloud, big data, and unstructured data sources without moving the data from their original repositories.

Data Virtualization became one of cornerstones of agile data management and data integration. Smartera 3S has developed out-of-the-box solutions on top of Denodo data virtualization platform such as:

  • LDW -logical data warehouse
  • Semantic structure for agile BI dashboards
  • Data integration solutions
  • A platform for central Bank Reports

    This is accompanied with various implementation services that enable organizations to achieve their goals in shorter time and less cost than ever before.



    • Real-Time Operational Data Store (ODS)
    • One Customer View (360 view)
    • Central Bank Reporting


    • B2B Integration
    • Products Catalog
    • Agile Portal


    • Big Data Integration
    • Agile BI Dashboards
    • Machine Learning & Predictive Analysis

Denodo Data Virtualization Capabilities

You can download Denodo express edition for Free, where most of features are available with some limitations on volume of processed data

Why do not you download Data Virtualization Book for Free!